lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

Types of industries

Different industries make different products. There are primary industries and consumer industries.

Primary industries
Primary industries are industries that turn raw materials into other materials for other industries to use. For example: The metal industry uses different minerals to make sheets of metal, and other metallic products. The chemical industry uses chemicals to make soap, plastic and other materials.

Consumer industries
Consumer industries are industries that make manufactured products to sell directly to consumers. For example: The food industry makes food products from cereals, fruit and vegetables. Breakfast cereal is a food industry product.

The motor industry uses raw materials like metals and plastics to make cars or motorbikes.

¿por qué es bueno el ejercicio físico?

Visita el siguiente enlace y lee varias razones de lo positivo del ejercicio físico.

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Foods you should eat occasionally

There are some foods that you should eat only occasionally:

  • Foods that contain a lot of sugar, such as sweets, some processed foods, cakes and fizzy drinks. 
  • Foods that contain a lot of fats of animal origin, such as bacon, butter, fatty meat, sausages and fatty cheeses.
  • Generally, fresh, home-cooked meals are healthier than processed foods.

Foods you should eat every day

Foods you should eat every day

  • Cereals, bread, pasta and potatoes give you energy. You should eat foods from this group every day. Wholegrain foods are healthier because they contain fibre.
  • You should eat three pieces of fruit every day.
  • You should have vegetables for lunch and dinner.
  • You should drink at least two glasses of milk, or eat yoghurt or low fat cheese every day.
  • Proteins in fish, meat, eggs and pulses are very important, too. You should eat some of these foods for lunch and dinner. You should eat as much fish as meat. Chicken contains less fat than red meats. 
  • A small amount of oil, especially olive oil, is recommended in a healthy diet.
  • You should drink water every day.

domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

Primary sector

In the primary sector, workers obtain raw materials from natural resources, for example, products from plants, animals and the soil. The primary sector includes jobs in crop farming, animal farming and fishing.

Crop farming is the activity of growing plants to obtain different products. These products are called crops. Most crops are grown for food, for example, cereals, fruit and vegetables. Others are grown for clothing, such as hemp and cotton.

Farm animals are called livestockFarmers breed animals for their meat, milk, eggs or skins.
There are two types of animal farming:
  • Extensive farming. Animals live in the open and eat grass from the fields, or grain.
  • Intensive farming. Animals live fenced in on farms or in barns. Farmers give them hay or dry feed to eat.

Fishermen catch fish and shellfish in rivers and seas. There are two types of sea fishing:
  • Coastal fishing. Fishermen fish near the coast. They go out to sea in small fishing boats and use nets.
  • Deep-sea fishing. Fishermen fish a long way from the coast. They go out to sea in big boats with modern machines. Deep-sea fishing boats have refrigerators that keep the fish fresh.
Fish farms are places where farmers breed fish and shellfish. Fish farms are built near rivers or on the coast. There are some fish farms in our city.

domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

stages of life

Your body grows and changes throughout your life.
There are different stages: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.

First stage of life. Since you ar born until about 12 years old. Many changes take place. Babies do not have teeth, they do not know how to walk or talk. At this stage the milk teeth appear, which become definitive when they are 6 years old.
They learn many things about the world around them.


Between 12 and 16 years old. Your body and your mind change and prepare for adulthood. Boys and girls have different changes. In boys, their facial hair grows and their voice get deeper. The girls develop the breast and its shape changes.
Adolescents are becoming more independent and making their own decisions.

When you are an adult your body is fully developed. Adults stop growing and their changes are slower. In this stage people are ready to take responsibility. They work, take care of children and are an active part of society.

It is the last stage. Our body is weaker. Our skin has wrinkles and our hair is gray. People have more knowledge, experience and memory. We can learn a lot from people at this stage.

viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

skin - la piel, nuestra piel

The skin is an elastic organ which covers and protects your body. You can feel heat, cold or pain through your skin. The skin on your head has got a lot of hair. The skin that covers other parts of your body has got shorter, finer hair. Skin contains a substance called melanin. Melanin protects your body from sunlight. It makes your skin darker when you sunbathe.

Conoce tu piel - video

Parts of the body, complete:

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Read and learn: town and cities

Towns are big places where a lot of people live.

Cities are bigger than towns.

Towns offer their inhabitants a lot of services: hospitals, schools, museums, commercial centres, different means of transport,…

Many of the buildings are tall. Some buildings have more than five floors. They have busy streets that are long and wide. The longest and widest streets are called avenues.
Many people live in cities. Most people work in industry or services, for example, in industrial estates, offices, shops, banks, hospitals or factories. 
People do many activities and travel a lot, so there is a lot of traffic.
Parts of a city.

  •  The historic centre. This is usually the oldest part. The streets are narrow and the buildings are not very tall. Historic monuments, such as the cathedral and the main square, are usually in the historic centre. 
  •  The modern district. This area often surrounds the historic centre. The streets are wider. There are often tall buildings here.  
  • The suburbs. These are residential areas away from the centre. There are shopping centres, factories and industrial estates in many suburbs.

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Read and learn: villages.

  • A villlage is a small place with few inhabitants and in a rural area.
  • Villages have fewer services (hospitals, schools, museums,…) than towns.
  • The buildings, streets and squares in a village are small and the houses are usually built for one family.

  • Most people who live in a village have a job related to the land, like farming.
  • In villages nearly everybody knows each other,because the population is small.
  • The streets are short and narrow and they usually lead to the main square in the centre of the village. The most important buildings, for example, the village hall or the church, are in the main square.
Types of village:
  • Villages around a square.
  • Villages along a road.
  • Village is made up os isolated houses.

Authentic material. Parts of the body. Video

Aunque el vídeo no está pensado para estudiantes que aprendan español, sino para quienes tengan como lengua materna inglés, seguro que eres capaz de aprender con él.

Reading: What size are you?


martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Authentic material: video. Weathering and erosion.

Material de ampliación. Vídeo: weathering and erosion. Authentic material it is not elaborated for foreigner students. It´s not necessary to understand it all, and the images will help you.

Landscapes. Fichas de ampliación.

Fichas voluntarias para ampliación. Imprimir, hacer y pegar en el cuaderno.

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

¿Qué podemos hacer para proteger nuestro paisaje?

El hombre interviene en el cambio de nuestro paisaje: polución, deforestación, vertidos tóxicos, construcciones en paisajes únicos.

¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros?


Energy and environment. Fichas de ampliación.

Fichas voluntarias para ampliación. Imprimir, hacer y pegar en el cuaderno.